Category: Money Management


How to Inject Instant Cash Flow

The cornerstone of any small business is ensuring that you’ve got the cash flow to keep thinks moving. As a small business owner, it’s probably what most often keeps you up at night. Making sure that cash is coming in consistently is the most important thing small business owners have to deal with. But with limited resources, keeping the money coming in regularly is one area that many small business’ struggle with. Here are a few ideas that can help you to  inject instant cash flow in order to help you keep your business above water.Continue Reading..


“Cash Flow” Should Not Give you Insomnia

There’s no doubt about it. Cash Flow is without question one of the biggest concerns no matter how big your company. As a small telemarketing firm, we lived (or died) by cash flow. I can’t tell you how many times I woke up Friday at 2 am waiting for a ACH transfer from a client, praying it would land as I had payroll going out that morning. At one point I realized “enough is enough” I need to have a better strategy so that I can sleep! Here are a few procedures I put in place to stop the late night cold sweats and insomnia:Cash Flow

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