Category: Prospecting


How to Inject Instant Cash Flow

The cornerstone of any small business is ensuring that you’ve got the cash flow to keep thinks moving. As a small business owner, it’s probably what most often keeps you up at night. Making sure that cash is coming in consistently is the most important thing small business owners have to deal with. But with limited resources, keeping the money coming in regularly is one area that many small business’ struggle with. Here are a few ideas that can help you to  inject instant cash flow in order to help you keep your business above water.Continue Reading..


Mastering Database Development Part I: Lead Generation

When you’re just starting to build your database, the most daunting task is naturally finding leads that are interested in your business. How do you start to build your database with qualified leads? Buying leads is inorganic and won’t give you the results you want. Finding prospects that are genuinely interested and opt-in to your campaigns is where you will see the best return. But generating intrigue from potential customers isn’t always easy. Here are a few strategies that will help you generate demand, find prospects, and build your database with qualified leads.

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Paralyzed by prospecting? Don’t force it, outsource it!

Prospecting. Business owners love the idea, provided they don’t have to do it. The thought of outbound telemarketing can be paralyzing. Who will do it? Who will set it up? Who will manage it? No worries, there is a solution.

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